Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Social Media and Go Green Advice by Pilmer PR

Although this is not directly related to Travel Public Relations I thought it was an interesting video to post. It was created by Pilmer PR. Pilmer PR provides public relations and marketing communications campaigns for small to mid-size businesses. I came upon this company while looking at green public relations practices. Pilmer was mentioned in Forbes 10 Ways To Go Green and Stay Cost Competitive. Here is the except about them from this list:

Public Relations: Let Employees Telecommute

PilmerPR, an Orem, Utah-based public relations firm, has always encouraged its team to telecommute rather than waste fuel driving to and from work. In 2004, the company began tracking the amount of gas saved by working from home--some 3,000 gallons per year, or $50,000 at $3.30 per gallon. With just enough office space for a few administrative positions, the company is able to keep its prices within range of its competitors, charging $2,000 to $10,000 per month depending on the scope of services, including media pitching, Web design, executive media training and search engine optimization.

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