Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Alternative to Entering the Working World

Graduation. The one word that no second semester senior wants to hear. There are many synonyms that we create to avoid the actual word. But when it comes closer to the actual date, in our case, May 22, it is time to sit down and think about your life. Many people will enter the working world, others won’t find anything and other will find an internship to further their experience. However, some people may choose to go abroad and volunteer for a year. Take a break from the 17 years of schooling and the rest of your life working. Volunteering abroad could consist of teaching English, working at a summer camp, conservation work and habitat work.

This is something that I personally looked into. I believe one year I will travel abroad and teach English in South Africa or in Italy. Hopefully, this will be sooner than later. If you type in volunteer abroad in to Google search box many organizations come up. So many that it is overwhelming. There are sites such as,,,, and These are to just name a couple. Most of these programs are not paid. The volunteer programs can range from $800 - $6,000. For those of us who come out of four years in college in debt, there are options for paid work abroad. Unfortunately, with all theses opportunities, they are not publicized enough around campus. The only time I ever saw any information about volunteering was at the career fair in the fall where the Peace Corps and one other company was set up. These are such great opportunities to not only help a student take a year off but it provides these students with an opportunity to help others. Many people feel that they find themselves after spending a year abroad and have a better perspective on what they want to do with their lives. Volunteering or paid work abroad is a great way to accomplish this.

One specific company that I got in contact with GeoVisions, is doing a great job. After inquiring about information about a South African program and an Italy program for this summer, they called me within 24 hours to discuss any questions I may have and to provide me with more information. This is definitely a way to make the unsure feel a little more comfortable. They don't give you any time to second guess yourself. Which, for me at least, is the more time I am given the more likely I am going to back out of something that I really want to do.

Some suggestions I have would be for these companies to get in contact with study abroad offices. This way when students go and search out information it will be there for them. Second, putting up fliers around campus would definitely get students attention. I know from personal experience if I see something on the boards that interest me I will tear down the sheet. Using social media is also another way to get in contact with our generation. More than 50% of our generation turns to social media for information on just about anything. If small steps were made I think that many of the maybes would turn into yeses. Then our generation could actually make a difference in the world.

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